
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Rhyme of excuses

Please don't mark me late,
I have a good reason,
Please understand,
Im commiting no treason,

Playing under the scorching sun,
Perspiration arrived
I had to get a drink
Without it, I wouldn't have survived

If a drink isn’t suitable,
I excreted a good bellyfull
Creating that stink was tough

But at least it was beautiful.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Learning about Nutrition

In defense of food:
I learned that in rice, corn, and white contains fructose which leads to heart diseases and diabetes.
I also learned that too much sugar will overexert the insulin in your body leading to diabetes.

This video left me wondering what foods actually have sugar. And, what are my body's sugar limits?

Reading labels: Red Bull
What colours are on the label? why do you think they chose these colours? 
Blue, silver, red
Idk why they chose these colours
What images are on the label? why do you think they chose these images?
two bulls.
What words are on the label? why do you think they choose these words?
RedBull, energy drink, vitalizes body and mind, with taurine

Day 2 of Move to Improve

Results of the testing of day two:
Standing Jump: 0.5m
Verticle jump: 2.49m
Sit and reach: 38cm
Run test: 18.83sec
30m: 4.65
60m: 7.98
12-minute run: 3 laps!!!

Monday 12 November 2018

Why move to improve

Why did I choose move to improve and what do I want to achieve through this project:
I was originally put in Community sports but after two periods of it, I got bored. So I switched over to Move to improve because it sounded much more interesting than what I was doing in Community sports. Though this project I would like to get fitter and find out more about what exercises are good for certain skills such as running or jumping.

What are some activities that you would like to do and/or things you would like to learn as part of your passion project?
In this project, I would like to find the most effective and safe ways of getting stronger and faster.

My results from the fitness tests from today:
Because I joined this project halfway through period five. I only got to do two tests. They were the 30m sprint into the 60m sprint. For this, I got 4.65 seconds for my 30m and 7.98 for my 60m.

Friday 2 November 2018

Drama thing

In drama, we were picking what we wanted to do for our passion projects in drama.
Me and I are going to be doing 5 things for things to get 5 points. 

The things I will be doing is about movies.

Thursday 25 October 2018

SEXXXY parahraphs for Dragonheart

In Dragonheart medium shots are used effectively. We see this when the corrupt king Einon has Bowen on the ground with his sword pointed at Bowen's throat after he defeats his old mentor in a duel. The director added this to show that Einon is no longer the weak boy he was in the first scene of the film. In an earlier scene, we saw Bowen teaching the young Einon to fight with a sword. Every time Einon struck at Bowen, Bowen would deflect his sword and put Einon on the ground with a sword pointed at his throat. But now, the scene has completely reversed and Einon now has his sword pointed at Bowen's throat. This previous scene makes us understand that the tables have completely turned and even Bowen with his masterful skills is now no match for the cruel king.

In Dragonheart, wide shots are used effectively. An example of this is when the director used a
wide shot during the end of the film when Draco the dragon ascends to the dragon heaven after
the rebels successfully took the castle and earned their freedom. The director used this to not
only show the dragons death but to also show the crowd of rebels, telling us that they have won
against the cruel king and earned their freedom. Combined with the shot, Draco ascending to dragon
heaven finally completes the main theme of the film. Which was for Draco to earn his right back to
dragon heaven after his heart got corrupted by Einon’s evil. This further intensifies the scene.
Making the scene even more compelling and makes us feel grief for the dragon’s death. But also,
eases us knowing that Draco is now where he had always wanted to be, dragon heaven.

In Dragonheart, low angle shots are used effectively. We see this during an epic showdown between Bowen and Draco that is currently halted by a stalemate between the two. This stalemate between the two lets them calmly esses the situation, ultimately resulting in a truce. After the scene where Draco gave half his heart to Einon to save his life. Einon’s evil corrupted the dragon’s heart. This broke Draco’s trust of humanity. Meanwhile, after Einon received the heart he went straight to his father’s ways. Bowen saw this and suspected that the dragon’s heart had corrupted Einon when it was the other way around. This suspicion gave Bowen a hatred for dragons which led to him becoming a dragonslayer. Over time this new companionship revives the trust between the two. The director did this to build a relationship between Draco and Bowen so they can in time overthrow the kingdom together.

In Dragon heart, over the shoulder shots were used adequately. We see this when Draco asks Bowen to end his life and it is the only way to stop Einon and his evil. After Bowen comes to terms with Draco and prepares for the anguish of losing a dear friend, Einon desperately appears to stop Bowen from killing Draco. This leads to the final duel we see here between the evil king Einon and his old mentor Bowen. In this scene, we see Einon fight desperately This scene helps us understand the disparity Einon is going through because if Einon is victorious he will gain immortality. Coinciding with this was dramatic music, further intensifying the scene. The director did this to show us just how important of a scene this is.

Monday 24 September 2018

Film study: Camera angles

     Extreme close-up                                                Close-up

Medium close-up                                              Medium shot

              Midshot                             Long (Wide) shot

       Extreme (Wide) shot                                     Low angle
           High angle                                                 Eye level




        Overhead                                            Over the shoulder

Mise en scene

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Novel Study of Wonder Part 6/7 August/Miranda (245-274)

1. The main reason he does not like school events is that there will be new eyes to stare and judge August's appearance.

2. Students have started to realize just how stupid the war was, and they realized how normal August really is.

3. He didn't want to wear hearing aids because he would stand out even more than he already did, considering the unusual look of the hearing aids. The unusual look of the hearing aids would also give others another reason to bully him.

4. We already know that Via does not want to be known as the girl with a deformed little brother. If August ends up going to the play, everyone in her school will find out about her deformed litter brother and all her efforts in keeping August secret will go to waste. Her mother realises this and tries to prevent August from going to the play.

5. In my opinion, I think August means that everyone should be noticed for their achievements at least once in their life. That way they might be encouraged to work harder in order to be noticed again.

6. Daisy's death obviously gave everyone a shock and filled them with grief. But I think the most important effect was when August saw his dad crying for the first time. Making him realise that even his dad has weaknesses.



Wednesday 8 August 2018

Novel Study of Wonder Part 5 Justin (233-242)

1. It is always nervewracking to meet your partner's parents if you make the wrong move they might not approve of you. At the time Justin was stressed making his ticks even worse. In the end, Via's parents ended up liking him.

2. I think he greeted each member differently to suit each person. He shakes the dad's hand to be formal, fistbumps August to come off as cool, hugs the mum to show his soft side, and kisses Via because that's what couples do.

3. It was a good thing to do at the moment but in the long run, it was probably the wrong move. This is because now Jullian can say stuff like, you had to get a teenager to help you.

4. She says that she is an awful person because she didn't tell her parents about the play. The main reason she feels awful is that the reason she didn't tell her parents about the play is that she doesn't want her new friends to know about her deformed little brother.

5. For one it is from Justin's point of view. The biggest difference is that the grammar is not the best.

Social studies research task

Learning Intention:
TO understand the life of Maori prior to Europeans arriving and it's connection to today's society.

What was your research about:
My research was about Maori cloaks.

2 things you found interesting:
A thing a found interesting was how hard some cloaks are to make.
Another thing I found interesting was how Maori cloaks evolved with the new materials brought from the Europeans.

A thing you thought you did well:
I think I gathered the information really quick.

something you want to do differently next time.
I think I should have better time management so I can make my finished product look nicer.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Novel Study of Wonder Part 4 Jack (165-220)

1. In my opinion, this quote means that the things that are most important in life can not be seen by simply looking at it.

2. At first, he didn't want to do it but when he found out that Jamie ran away screaming after seeing August for the first time, he realized how hard middle school was going to be for August.

3. At first, before finding out what he had done to August he thought everything was fine and there was just something wrong with August. When he realizes what he had done he feels remorse and regret.

4. Jullian wouldn't stop talking about Jacks relationship. There was definitely a better solution than punching Jullian but I think Jullian had it all coming.

5. I made me realize just how much he wanted to be popular, but I also realized that he wasn't as bad of a person as I thought he was.

6.  I think once August finds out he will be confused, not believing that Jack actually punched Jullian.
Once he confirms it I think he will be surprised.

7. Jullian's mother really does not care about anything but herself, and she does not want a 'freak' in her sons class photo. That's why she cut out August out of the photo. This sends a message to Jullian that it was ok to judge people by their looks.

8. August is not really handicapped, he does has trouble eating, but that does not stop him from doing anything that others can do. I don't think it placed any burden on the kids because Mr. Tushman never asked the kids to befriend August, instead he actually tells them to be nice to August.

9. I completely disagree with Mrs. Albans. This is because the only thing that is wrong with August is his looks, other than that he is just like any other student, meaning he shouldn't be treated any different.

10. He absolutely hates it. He constantly feels like people are staring at him. And keeps getting notes in his locker.

Novel Study of Wonder Part 3 Summer (145-161)

1. She was invited to the party because she used to be in the "popular" group until she started to sit with August during lunch. Even so, she is still viewed as pretty.

2. Summer fosters a relationship with August by sitting with him during lunch and opening up to him while August opens up to her. This is beneficial because August now has someone to talk to and Summer has someone fun that she can be open to.

Thursday 28 June 2018

Novel Study of Wonder Part 2 Via (81-117)

1. Part one was all about August and how he saw things. Part two is different because we start to see the perspective of August's older sister, Via. And what she had to go through. The parts don't match up as August and Via go to different schools, they were treated differently and had different options they could take.

2. There are many challenges Via goes through being August's older sister. I feel that a tremendous challenge Via faces is the unjust treatment she receives in school and public because of the way her younger brother 'August' looks.

3. August is the sun because the solar system revolves around the sun. Via, her parents are the planets orbiting around August. Change to fit August's need and his emotions. She feels this way because everything is always about August.

4. Personally, I agree that treating August feel like he is normal was a mistake. August need to know that he is different from others and he needs to know that being different is okay. If he spends his life thinking he is normal when he isn't, he won't understand why he is being treated differently.

5.  The name Via is known as "the older sister of a deformed boy" She is going by the name Olivia in high school to get away from that nickname. For now, I think she finds high school is okay but that might change if word gets around that Olivia is actually Via.

6. Via has a one in two or a %50 chance that her children will have the gene. If she marries someone with the same that she does her children will have a one in two chance of carrying the gene, one in four chance that her child will have no gene at all, and a one in four chance of her child looking like August. Personally, I don't think they are very good odds.

7.  Maranda probably called August to get a chance to talk to Via, the reason she didn't just call Via is most likely because it would be awkward.

8. From what I have read so far Via seems kind, gentle, and very understanding. Even though the
treatment August gets compared to Via is totally unfair, she doesn't complain because she knows that even if she complains she won't anywhere.

9. I think August will try to stay away from Jack and ignore him.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Novel Study of Wonder Part 1 August (43-80)

1. Star Wars is one of August's passions because he can empathize with Darths Siddius. This is because Darths Siddus's face is also messed up. They might not be the same reason but a messed up face is a messed up face. Auggie aspires to be like them because despite their differences they can still accomplish great things.

2. Jullian asks August "why do you have that tiny braid in the back of your hair" drawing attention to August. August wanted to slide under the desk because Jullian brings up Darths Siddius.

3. I agree with Mr Browne's September precept to some extent because it is a great motto to live by. But I generally I say being right is the better option. If I had to make a choice between being kind or being right, I would probably choose to be right. Being right gives a satisfaction that being kind will never give me.

4. I think August was getting frustrated at his mother because he unconsciously feels that his mother is babying him. And on top of that, his mother was asking too many questions on the way home.

5. I think most kids in his class didn't come to his birthday party because they are afraid of being around August. August did mention that no one around him wanted to touch him and being at his birthday party would be a huge violation of that rule.

6. An aversion is a strong dislike or disinclination to something. August probably has an aversion to getting his photo taken because he doesn't like the way his face looks and certainly does not want it on a photo.

7. They don't want to touch August because they have a fear that he is "contagious" and they might catch a face-deformity disease just like August.

8. My opinion of Jack Will definitely changed after that scene. At first, I thought he was a good guy he looked after August, hung out with him, and was all around nice to August. But after what Jack Will said to Julian, I feel as if everything I knew about Jack Will was a lie.

9. I think August will never want to go to school again but for the plot of the story August will probably end up back at school. And we will find out if Jack Will really meant what he said about August or he was just lying to look cool.

What am I learning? 
I am learning about 
How does this work show my learning?
what am I wondering?

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Novel Study of Wonder Part 1 August (11-43)

1. The wish August wanted was to have a normal face so he wouldn't get those looks from people.
    Even if I could change anything about my appearance I don't think I would.

2. I think to be ordinary means you have no special features that stand out and just do what average humans do. August is extraordinary because of the illness he was born with. The illness that he was born with defined his face differently to others. Another thing that makes him extraordinary is that he has not been to school.

3. When someone sees August for the first time they give him a look as if they are confused. Pointing at him, and trying not to meet eyes with him. If I saw August for the first time I think I would be curious about what happened to him.

4.  The saying 'like a lamb to the slaughter' is something that you say about someone who goes somewhere calmly, not knowing that something unpleasant is going to happen. In this book, August's dad most likely meant if August goes to school he will have to go through a series of unfortunate events.

5. If I was one of August's parents I would send him to school. Even if he was born different, and even if he is frowned upon he needs to see the world for what is it. And there are opportunities that you can only get by attending school.

6. The white lie that August's mother told was when a woman came to his house with a test August's mother told August it was an IQ test. When the test he took was the test necessary in order for August to enter the school. I think white lies are ok to tell because sometimes the truth is a bit too much for them to handle.

7. A shiny smile is a smile that was forced out.

8. August knows that Julian will be a bully because Julian asks questions that are inappropriate to ask making August feel uncomfortable and sad. Jullian also cut in front of August making him stumble backward.

Thursday 3 May 2018

The merchant of venice Questions (part 2)

Act Three, Scene Three

Question One:
Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock’s insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use a quote from the text to support your answer. 
Antonio believes Shylock wants revenge and justice. Quote: His reason well I know. I oft delivered from his forfeitures Many that have at times made moan to me. Therefore he hates me.

Question Two:
Why can the Duke not ‘deny the course of law’ according to Antonio?
Because it wouldn't benefit the government. The city makes its money through the foreign merchants of Venice and if they discarded ]the law, their security is under threat. Quote: The duke can not deny the course of law: for the commodity that strangers have with up in Venice, if it is denied, will much impeach the justice of the state; Since that the trade and profit of the city Consisteth of all nations.

Question Three:
What does Antonio seem resigned to his fate. What two important realizations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you.
He knows because Shylock is not going to give up on his bond. And the government is not going to do anything about it.

Question Four:
Do you think Antonio’s feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why?
A little bit, at first he Antonio completely trusted in Bassanio and thought he was capable of paying him back. But now it is too late.

Question Five:
Shylock refuses to consider the idea of Mercy but demands Justice. Consider the following ideas: Is mercy the same as forgiveness? 
No mercy and forgiveness are not exactly the same. Mercy is not punishing someone even though it is within their power. And forgiveness is no longer seeking out to punish someone instead, forgetting about all the dreadful acts that person has done.

           Is it easier to show mercy or to look for revenge?
           Is justice the same as fairness?

           Is true justice possible in this care?
Act Three, Scene Four

Question One: 
What is Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio?
Lorenzo thinks Antonio is loyal and a good friend to Bassanio

Question Two: 
What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do?
While the men are away, she'll go away in hiding with Nerissa until they come back.

Question Three: 
What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why?
Look after the house while she is away because Nerissa will be going with her and Bassanio isn't there either.

Question Four: 
Why does Portia think Antonio and Bassanio must be alike?
Portia thinks that if friends spend a lot of time together they become similar people.

Question Five: 
Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men?
Because they would not be able to enter the court unless they were a man.

Question Six: 
In A3S4 L 60-78, how does Portia describe the behavior and attitudes of young men?
They try to show off and lie about things they've done to make themselves look better. 

Question Seven:
Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected behavior of a wife?
Yes, mostly it is seen in previous scenes, she seems to be faithful and submissive to Bassanio.
Act Three, Scene Five

Question One:
In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversion of Jews to Christianity?
Because if every Jew converted to Christianity and started eating pork, the price of all things related to pork will go up.

Question Two:
What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia?
Jessica thinks of Portia as a blessing. We know this because she says "Past all expressing. It is very meet, the Lord Bassanio live an upright life, for having such a blessing in his lady, he finds the joys of heaven here on earth."
Act Four, Scene One

Question One:
What does the Duke believe Shylock intends to do?
The duke believes that Shylock will that the pound of flesh considering his reputation and all.

Question Two:
What does Shylock intend to do, and what reasons does he give for his decision?
He wants to take the pound of flesh to get revenge for all the verbal and physical abuse that Antonio has given him.

Question Three:
Why must the law be allowed to stand (why can’t the judge dismiss this case)
If he dismisses this case it will set the wrong example for others.

Question Four:
Shylock is very clear about the restrictions in the wording of the deed, how does Portia use these loopholes?
The bond states that if Antonio does not pay the 3000 ducats in 3 months Shylock would take a pound of flesh from Antonio. Meaning that if Shylock spills even a drop of blood or take ounce more or less he would be breaking the bond.

Question Five:
What penalties does Shylock now have to pay? Are they fair? Why/why not.
Shylock will have to turn Christian, All of Shylocks belongings and money will be confiscated. Half will go to the government and the other half will go the Antonio. And on his will, he has to write everything I own will go to my daughter Jessica and her husband Lorenzo.

Question Six:
How do Lorenzo and Jessica gain by the result?
They get half of Shylocks belongings.

Question Seven:
What reward has Portia claimed and why is this significant?
Portia wanted Bassanio's ring that Portia has gifted to him. This is significant because Bassanio promised Portia that he will never take it off.

Question Eight:
Portia tells Shylock ‘The quality of mercy is not strained’. How does she try to persuade Shylock to show mercy, how much mercy is she willing to show him (line 345-362)
Portia's guilt tripping him in a way. She's turning the tables on him. She's willing him to show as much mercy as he begs for.

Question Nine:
A4S1 L 70-80. Antonio gives us three short images of how useless any attempt by Bassanio to save his life will be
What are they?
Telling the ocean to get smaller, Asking a wolf why he killed a lamb and made its mother cry,  and telling the pine trees on the mountain to stop when the wind blows through them.
What do they tell us about one of Shakespeare's interests
He has an interest in things to do with the Christian Bible
Do you think this is an effective way of demonstrating the problem?
Yes, he's comparing the situations quite well
Each example is an extreme and impossible, what influence does this have on how you expect the rest of the scene to develop.
You expect Antonio to be right, you expect everything to play out in Shylocks favour.

Question Ten:
A4S1 L90-100, Shylock uses vivid comparisons when he wants to make a point. What example does he use to illustrate the fact that the pound of flesh is his: ‘tis mine and I will have it’
He uses slaves. He's saying that he's rightfully got that pound of flesh.

It is much longer comparison than the three used by Antonio but do you think it is more striking/effective/convincing?
I think it's about the same. Both have very good points and comparisons. 
Act Four, Scene Two

Question One:
What invitation does Portia refuse and why?
They refuse An invitation to dinner. Because they need to get home before the men do.

Question Two:
What does Nerissa plan to get, why do you think this is important?
Gratanio's ring she gave him. She wants to see if Gratanio will do the same as Bassanio.

Question Three:
Do you admire Portia after these scenes, or do you find her actions cruel? Use examples to support your thinking.
A bit of both. I admirer her for showing dominance over situations.
I think she is cruel because she does not stop until her enemy is utterly defeated.
Act Five, Scene One

Question One:
Why do Lorenzo and Jessica remind each of the stories of classical lovers?

Question Two:
What are Portia's feelings as she approaches the house?

Question Three:
What is the first argument to break out?

Question Four:
How do Gratiano and Bassanio try to justify parting with the rings, are they successful?

Question Five:
Was Bassanio right to give away the ring, give reasons for your thinking?

Question Six:
How can the newly-weds threaten to sleep with the men who took their rings- and mean it?

Question Seven:
What effect do these arguments have on Antonio?

Question Eight:
Portia and Nerissa have the rings. What does this prove to Antonio, Gratiano, and Bassanio?
That Portia and Nerissa slept with the

Question Nine:
How do Antonio, Lorenzo and Jessica benefit from news that Portia brings?

Thursday 22 March 2018

Word vomit week 8

The Words For this week are
Apple, crayon, wooden oar, maths textbook, rabbit

It happened during a Tuesday evening. I was sitting, leaning on an apple tree while thinking of the
laws of gravity. Unexpectedly an apple fell on my head. With the apple came a crayon. The crayon gave me enough chills to go down my spine then right back up. So like any other person would, I ate
the crayon. The moment the crayon went down my throat everything turned white. It was as if I was
traveling to another dimension. That would have been cool and all but anticlimactic all that was
happening was that I WAS TRIPPING BALLS. The first few minutes after eating the crayon was kind
of boring. But what happened after is when I got really stupid.
A rabbit waddled over to me, then slapped me across the face with a wooden oar. Then It started to
rain maths textbooks.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Musical theatre

Jesus Christ Superstar
Who wrote the musical: Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice

What is it about: It depicts political and interpersonal struggles between Judas Iscariot and Jesus (that are not present in the Bible).

Add a link to a song from the show

I didn't like that I couldn't understand what the singers were saying.
One thing I liked the dance moves.

Who wrote the musical: Winnie Holzman

What is it about: A traumatized girl who turned evil because of how she was treated.

Add a link to a song from the show

I liked that they made the witch actually look like a witch.
I didn't not like anything.