
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Novel Study of Wonder Part 1 August (11-43)

1. The wish August wanted was to have a normal face so he wouldn't get those looks from people.
    Even if I could change anything about my appearance I don't think I would.

2. I think to be ordinary means you have no special features that stand out and just do what average humans do. August is extraordinary because of the illness he was born with. The illness that he was born with defined his face differently to others. Another thing that makes him extraordinary is that he has not been to school.

3. When someone sees August for the first time they give him a look as if they are confused. Pointing at him, and trying not to meet eyes with him. If I saw August for the first time I think I would be curious about what happened to him.

4.  The saying 'like a lamb to the slaughter' is something that you say about someone who goes somewhere calmly, not knowing that something unpleasant is going to happen. In this book, August's dad most likely meant if August goes to school he will have to go through a series of unfortunate events.

5. If I was one of August's parents I would send him to school. Even if he was born different, and even if he is frowned upon he needs to see the world for what is it. And there are opportunities that you can only get by attending school.

6. The white lie that August's mother told was when a woman came to his house with a test August's mother told August it was an IQ test. When the test he took was the test necessary in order for August to enter the school. I think white lies are ok to tell because sometimes the truth is a bit too much for them to handle.

7. A shiny smile is a smile that was forced out.

8. August knows that Julian will be a bully because Julian asks questions that are inappropriate to ask making August feel uncomfortable and sad. Jullian also cut in front of August making him stumble backward.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Daniel, it is clear that you have been working hard during English this term. Have you ever experienced a shiny smile?


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