
Monday 19 August 2019

Change in food over time

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1. How has food changed in the last 100 years and what have been the big reasons for this change?
Over the last 100 years, food in New Zealand has changed significantly. The main reason being the arrival of the European settlers. Before the European's arrival, the Maori were the only humans living in New Zealand. Only gathering what is necessary, they caught fish and eels using traps, berries from bushes and hunted birds, such as the Moa using weapons made of bone, stones, and flax. They cooked their food in a hungi, a method where they put the meat and vegetables in a hole in the ground and placed hot stones under the food. When the Europeans arrived, cows, chickens, and sheep were introduced as a new food source. And food was cooked in an oven. The most common meal was the one meat and 3 veg. Now days, we have different foods from countries all around the world, different cooking methods, and we have fast food joints around every corner.

2. What was something you didn't know about changes in Nz Food that you learned from the cards? IDK....

3. What could you see happening to food in another 50 years time?
In 50 years time, I think that we will have liquids that fulfil all our daily nutrient needs.

4. What could you invent or change that would create a large impact on how we gather produce or eat food?

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