
Friday 31 May 2019

Tinkercad design

A design I made on Tinkercad:
This design was made using a 3D designing platform called Tinkercad. 
For the main shape of the dill gauge, I used an octangular pyramid with an eight-sided diamond on top. On each face of the octangular pyramid, I put a hole with the measurement of the diameter underneath it. Similar to the drill gauge I made in class, this drill gauge has holes measuring at 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm, 6.8mm, 8mm, and 10mm. 

1. Create an ordinary pyramid using the basic shapes menu on the right-hand side of your screen.
2. Click on the shape and then change the number of sides the shape has from 4 to 8.
    by doing this you have created an 8 sided pyramid called an octangular pyramid.
3. Create 8 cylinders using the same menu on the right-hand side of your screen.
4. Change the height of all of the cylinders to whatever the height of your octangular pyramid is.
5. On the first cylinder, change the width of the cylinder to 3 by 3.
6. On the second one, change it to 4 by 4.
7. The third one to 5 by 5, the fourth one to 5.5 by 5.5, the fifth one to 6 by 6, the sixth one to 6.8 by
     6.8, the seventh one to 8 by 8, the eighth one to 10 by 10.
8. Then highlight and select all of the cylinders and change them all into holes.
9. Once you have changed the cylinders to holes, put them on each face of the octangular
10. Highlight and select everything you have done so far, then click Ctrl + G to group everything 
11. After following these steps, your design should look like this
(Insert image here)
12. Make a box and turn it into a hole.
13. Put it on top of your octangular pyramid. Make sure that you don't cover your holes with your 
14. highlight and select the box and your pyramid, then group them together.
15. This should create a flat area on top of your pyramid. It should look like this
       (Insert image here)
16. Grab a diamond shape and then flip it upside down.
17. Put it on top of the flat area and aline each face of the diamond to each face of your pyramid.
(Insert image here
18. Select the two shapes and then group them together.
(Insert image here)
19. Grab a text shape. Then change its shape from text to 3
20. Grab seven more and change the shapes each of them to match the measurements of the holes.
21. Change the size of the texts so that it can fit on the faces of your pyramid. Then put on on your pyramid.
22. Select all of your shapes and then group them together.
23.  FINISH.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Voyage out

Sebastian was born into a village of assassins. Because of this, he was trained in the art and became
an assassin trainee ever since he was born. Once a year, all trainees that are 13 years old are
gathered and must undergo a trial to become a full-fledged assassin. In this trial, one must kill 2
other trainee assassins in combat and present the village chief with their heads. Completing this trial
means that you are a full-fledged assassin. And by failing it, you will die. Even though Sebastian was
raised to be heartless, he did not want to kill without a cause. To avoid unnecessary bloodshed.
he grabbed some jewelry from his parent's room and left the village. Although he could easily
survive by himself with ease, he decided to change his lifestyle and start a new life in Britain.
Once he arrived, he was speechless. kids were starving, families begging for food, drinking
unclean water, and illnesses were running rampant.  It wasn't anything like his village.
He realized that this was happening because of overpopulation and not enough money to go around.
He knew that in order to not end up like them, he had to have a way to get money and as long as he
had money, he would be fine. Back in his old village. In order to survive, he had to be as intelligent
as he was strong and was taught the skills of communication and deception. With these skills
Sebastian found himself a rich man, that happened to be looking for a gift for his wife. He went over
to the man and began to sell him the jewelry. After talking for about 2 minutes Sebastian convinced
the man to buy the jewelry for more than double its worth. A merchant called Arnold observed
Sebastian’s conversation with the rich man and saw potential in him. Arnold walked over to
Sebastian and asked him he would like to work as his apprentice. In return, he would feed him,
pay him, and give him a place to say. With nowhere else to go. Sebastian agrees. 2 years went by
and Sebastian had learned everything Arnold could teach. Sadly, Arnold died of a really bad case
of pink eye. After his death. Sebastian continued to be a merchant and earned lots of money.
For Sebastian, Everyday became comfortable and luxurious. But be remembered that while he
was sipping on his wine. kids were still starving, families were still homeless, and illnesses
\were still taking lives every day.

This made him remember how terrible a place Britain was. With this realization, decided to leave
Britain the next morning. Morning came. Sebastian had all of his stuff packed when he grabbed a
flyer off the floor. The flyer said that in 17 days, boats were going to sail out to New Zealand.
A paradise country with land up for grabs and plenty of jobs available. He didn't care about the land
or the jobs. but he was interested in going to a new country. Since he was going to leave the country
anyways. He decided, why not go to New Zealand. Everything was settled and Sebastian bought a
first class ticket.

17 days went by quickly and the day had finally come. He was going to be able to finally leave Britain
and all of its misery. He stepped onto the ship and headed to his cabin and the long journey began.
He heard the journey to New Zealand could take up to 120 days. Luckily he had lots of money,
getting him a comfy voyage in a cabin and was given fresh meat and milk all throughout the voyage.
Sadly, other passengers traveling in the steerages were not so lucky. They had to share cramped
rooms with lots of other people. They were given salted preserved meat, ship’s biscuits,
oatmeal, and dried potatoes. The diet was coarse, caused constipation and offered poor
nutrition. Passengers were allowed 3.4 liters of fresh water a day. But the water deteriorated
and a become undrinkable within a couple of months. Because of this both cabin and steerage
passengers attempted to catch rainwater. Due to the lack of fresh water, the only way to wash
your clothes and yourself were to use salt water from the ocean. Also, the steerage
passengers often caught diseases due to poor nutrition and poor hygiene. 120 days went
by and New Zealand was in sight. But out of nowhere, an iceberg flew into the ship killing everyone.

Friday 17 May 2019


The wooden booomberwang:

Image result for boomerangThis boomerwang is not my design because I could not find mine.

During this project, we created a boomerwang. at first, we were given some designs that we could choose from. after seeing them, we made our own. the design that I chose looked similar to a hatchet.
This particular boomberwang design was used to hit kangaroos. During this project, I used the bandsaw, sandpaper, chisel, and that's all.

Thursday 16 May 2019

Drill gauge

What I was aiming for:  
I was aiming to make a drill gauge that was similar to this but with only made for 8 different sized drill bits. The measurements were 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm, 6.8mm, 8mm, and 10mm.

What I used to mark out and measure my work:

      Engineers Square                  Spring Divider                             Scribe
      By using this I could             This helped me find                I used this to mark out
       make sure that the                 and mark out the                   the lines on my metal
       edges on the metal                center of my work           after applying engineers blue
           were straight              

                  Ruler                             Micrometer                              Vernier 
      I used this to make sure      I used this to make sure       I used this to more accurately
      that my metal was the          that the drill bit I was        measure the length of my metal
              correct size                 using, was the right size.         and measure the drill bit.

Hammer and Center Punch:
I used the hammer and center punch to
center punch holes on the areas where I was going to drill. I did this to give the point of the drill a place to lock onto. This prevented my metal from sliding out and end up drilling the wrong place.

Engineers blue:
After cleaning up my piece of metal, I put this over it to make it easier to mark out my lines.

Machines that I used:

   Buffing Machine:                   Drill Press:         I used this to polish               I used this to Drill     my work and make it           the different sized                  Shiny.                        holes on my work.

What tools I learned to use during this project:

About a Vernier:
Verniers are tools used to accurately measure the diameter and sometimes the depth of material. They have main jaws used to measure the external diameter, smaller jaws that are used to measure the internal diameter, and sometimes has a depth rod to measure the depth/length of your material. The method of using the jaws for measuring diameter is simple. All you have to do is put an object in between the jaws and then tighten until both jaws are on the object. Then, you just read the measurement on the scale and you're done. You now have the measurement of the diameter.

About a Micrometer:
The micrometer is used to measure the internal diameter of an object. A measurement is obtained
by measuring the space between the anvil and the spindle. Twisting the thimble moves the spindle
towards the anvil or away from it. The rachet does the same thing, except it is used for more precise
movement. To take a measurement an object is placed in between the anvil and the spindle. Once
the object is placed, turn the thimble until both the anvil and the spindle makes contact with the
object. Then turn the rachet for fine-tuning. After that, all you have to do is read the measurement of
the sleeve.